WE THANK GOD FOR JOE'S TRIP TO THE CONGO THIS FALL. Joe & his mother, Marlaine, had a wonderful time of encouragement with Gene & Sandy Thomas as they passed on the baton of ministry at the end of 41 years of full-time service. This was done in many practical ways as tales were told of God's many blessings over the years!
WE THANK GOD FOR GENE & SANDY THOMAS. Gene introduced us to key government, business, and church leaders. We met with the Peace Corps director who told us that we can have our choice of 20 Congolese French tutors the moment we return. Sandy helped us learn the basics of everyday life in an African city, and introduced us to many of our new friends. We were also able to restore ties with our good friend Michel MONKA who works in the Ministry of Health just one day before he left for Belgium!
WE THANK GOD FOR SHOWING US WHERE TO GO FOR LANGUAGE SCHOOL. We anticipate living in Brazzaville, the capital city of Congo, for about a year to learn French. After our studies, we plan to move to Impfondo in the remote Likouala Region, where we will begin our medical evangelism work among the Aka Pygmies!
WE THANK GOD FOR THE TANKOMBO EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Many of the members are new Christians and hungrily devour the Bible in study together 4 nights a week, 3 hours per night! They pray for their brothers and sisters in America at every service! (How often do we pray for them?) We enjoyed worshiping together, and they have invited us to join them as active members when we return!
WE THANK GOD THAT A HOME AWAITS US IN THE CONGO. The rental contract for our new home in Brazzaville is signed, the rent is paid. Arrangements have been made for the Thomas's furniture and vehicles to be purchased. In faith we are thankful to be able to announce that after January 15, our address & phone # will be:
B.P. 24 PHONE: 011-242-82-33-07 BRAZZAVILLE FAX: SAME (by request) REPUBLIC OF CONGO E-MAIL: harvey@cvm.com AFRICA HOME PAGE: http://www.cvm.com/~harvey
WE THANK GOD FOR ACHILLE AND ARMAND. They are taking turns watching over our home in Brazzaville for us until we return. The city we are moving to is impoverished, and there are many who would steal for grain or greed. They need God's protection!
WE THANK GOD FOR CELESTINE. Celestine will be one of our new neighbors in Brazzaville. At age twenty-nine he has already started factories to produce soap and chalk, employing disabled people who otherwise might be begging on the streets. He needs some technical help with his next project--starting a recycling plant to process the estimated one million abandoned car chassis that litter the capital city into steel reinforcing rods for concrete and other products. His plan has already been approved by the Congolese government!
WE THANK GOD FOR MOM HARVEY. Joe's Mom has committed to going with us for our first year of ministry. She has been a widow for 14 years now, and ever since she was a teenager has been very interested in missions. Marlaine is a nurse, and very experienced in child care. Her help is greatly appreciated, and we are glad to have her join our team. God has placed a burden on her heart to do something about the trash which is breeding infestation and disease in Brazzaville. We are praying for help & wisdom as she seeks to develop a proper waste disposal system for the entire city!
WE THANK GOD FOR BECKY. While Joe was in the Congo, Becky home alone with Olivia and Claire, was carried along by prayer. Things went surprisingly smoothly and God allowed her to not feel terribly lonely. God gave her the strength to accomplish many things, like getting the house ready to sell, and even car repairs (normally that stuff is left to Joe) such as adjusting the idle and installing a tape deck!
WE THANK GOD FOR OLIVIA AND CLAIRE. Our darling daughters have adapted well to all the traveling. Olivia has our taped slide presentation memorized & Claire squeals every time she sees herself on the screen. Although we're frustrated at times by their strong wills, we realize that God has crafted their personalities in order for them to be able to thrive in the lifestyle He's called them to (which will involve a lot of traveling, and cultural and language changes). God doesn't call us without giving us the skills and strength we need to do what he asks!
WE THANK GOD FOR MOM & DAD JONES. We got home from our month-long home ministry tour three hours before they arrived for Thanksgiving. We are thankful they were able to come spend quality time with us. It's not easy for us to say goodbye. It is no small sacrifice to let your baby girl and her babies move across the ocean!
WE THANK GOD FOR YOU. Everywhere we go, we are seeing God move people like you to respond to the needs of the Congo. We are thankful for those of you who are partnering with us in many different ways. However, Global Outreach Mission's policy is to not release us to go to the Congo until 100% of our monthly support is pledged. Currently 62% of the monthly need is pledged, and 26% of our start-up costs. With only 6 weeks to go, we need more of you to commit to praying for us on a regular basis. We need more of you to pledge monthly financial support. If you have been planning to send in the reply form on the back of our prayer card, now would be a great time to do so!
WE THANK GOD FOR SUPPLYING OUR VISAS. God arranged for us to obtain all 5 visas during an unplanned (by us) visit to the Congo Embassy in Washington, DC. The application process normally takes at least several weeks. Even though we weren't prepared with the necessary pictures, letters of reference, completed applications, and copy of round-trip plane tickets; we did have our passports, and miraculously the transaction was completed in less than 20 minutes. Not your typical bureaucratic encounter!
WE THANK GOD FOR OUR HOME IN ERIE, PA. We put our house on the market the day before we left. (We figured the only way to keep the house presentable was to clean it and then take the kids and leave). Ten days after we put our house up for sale in an unfavorable market, we had three offers to choose from, with two of them offering more than we were asking! Now even our realtor agrees that God wants us in the Congo!
MOST OF ALL WE THANK GOD FOR WHO HE IS. By His mercy, He has given us the promise of a home in Glory, the privilege of an intimate relationship with Him, and the opportunity to serve Him in the Congo with you as our partners. He has graciously promised to supply all our needs. Our faith is from and is in Him alone. FOR HE ALONE IS WORTHY! OH COME LET US ADORE HIM!